Monthly Healing Mass


(A)     On April 13 (the Palm  Sunday)  at 2:00p.m. healing mass will be offered  in open type.


The main celebrant will be Fr. Pawel Janocinski (O.P.)


Place: the chapel of the University of the  Sacred Heart.  (Seishin Joshi Daigaku) 


LOCATION: Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Hiroo 4-3-1


HOUR:     2:00 p.m.


Wearing mask in the chapel  is mandatory for all attendants.


(B)     The schedule of the open mass in future is as follows :

(In case the condition of the pandemics change worse, the following schedule will be cancelled.

(The open type reopened on June 11, 2023. )


April 13 (Sun.), May11 (Sun.),

June 8 (Sun.), July 13 (Sun.),

Oct. 12 (Sun.), Nov. 9 (Sun.),

Dec,14 (Sun.),


       No masses in August nor September in 2025 as before.


(C) Closed type of healing masses were offered monthly since March 2020 till May in 2023 without attendants at other places.


 General information,    The schedule,   Access,    Map


Newest pamphlet of schdule and map (it is not in charge for download now )

Cooperating priests,    Links  (Books written by Fr.Kodaira etc.)      


  References ,       R.I.P.    ,  


   Japanese Home Page of healing mass 


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                      All rights reserved.:  Information Service for the Healing Mass


General Information


   During the period till Feb. 9, 2020 Fr. Kodaira and Fr. Paul Janocinski, the successors of Fr. McCoy (S.J.)  and Fr. Schneider (O.F.M.), offered open masses together monthly on the 2nd Sunday except every August, every September till the pandemic spread.


Then the closed type of healing masses have been offered as the substitute of open mass since March in 2020 till May of 2023 while the pandemic diseases ( for example: COVID-19 )  cause bad condition.


Now Fr. Pawel Janocinski becomes the main celebrant since May of 2023, succeeding late Fr. Kodaira.


As for the case of open mass (when open type is to be hold again), the homily is offered in Japanese.


  VIVID column in the homepage of Tokyo Archdiocese will announce the schedule. There are co-operating priests who will offer mass when Fr. Paul cannot manage the schedule.


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A. General schedule

Generally speaking, the open healing mass will be

 offered on the second Sunday, but it is not always

 on the second. The newest information will be on

this page. There are possibilities such as the case of

the change of the main celebrant priest, the changes

of the beginning time, the postponing of the mass,

cancel of the mass etc. according to the particular

situation on the day of healing mass such as the stop

of the trains in the south area of Tokyo caused by

 typhoon, tremendous snow etc.


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   Access for open mass (in case open type is offered again.)

1-1. From Hiroo Station of Hibiya Line of Tokyo Metro (ID number of Hiroo station is

    H03; Tokyo Metro's old name is Eidan Subway;). from Exit No. 4 around 6 minutes on foot to go up the slope to the chapel.

As for Exit 4 one can use the elevator from the platform to the concourse level, and the concourse to   the ground level by elevator.

The North gate of the University of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (the Gate of the International School of the Sacred Heart) is near to Exit 6.

On can use the South Gate where the elevator was settled.

2. From Shibuya Station (Yamate Line of JR): Take the bus that goes to Nisseki-Iryou Center. Get off at Nisseki-Iryou Center . Around 5 minutes on foot to the front gate.

3. From Shinagawa Station (Yamate Line of JR): Take the bus that goes to Shinjuku Station-West Entrance (Nishi guchi). Get off at Hiroo-bashi. Around 5 minutes on foot to the South gate.

4. From Meguro Station (Yamate Line of JR): Take the bus that goes to Sendagaya Station or Shin-bashi Station. Get off at Hiroo-bashi. Around 5 minutes on foot to the South gate.

One has to go up the long stairs at the south gate : No.1, 3, 4. However a elevator is settled near  the south gate now.

There are no stairs at the front gate, and the road to the Chapel is flat: No. 2


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    There is no pdf file of the pamphlet of open masses to download now.

Free software to read PDF file

One can download the free software only to read pdf file from the homepage of Adobe Acrobat:


The following address is linked to the explanation in Japanese.

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The URL below shows the map and access. This is not direct link.):

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Temporary URL (English version, too):

Reference (question and answer in Japanese):  Email:

    (Kindly wait for reply mail. Quick reply may not be possible in some condition. If you can write both English and Japanese, could you write bilingual way?   Thank you for your corporation.)

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 The introduction of the priests:


Fr. Pawel Janocinski (O.P.)

    He offered healing masses at the University Chapel of Shirayuri University regularly.  


   He has offered healing mass together regularly in the University Chapel of the Sacred Heart as regular cooperating priest since June, 2004.  When Fr. Kodaira had appointment such as retreat director etc., Fr. Paul Janocinski offered mass as main celebrant.

Then he has offered heling masses in closed type when in charge since March in 2020.

He teaches "The care of Heart," and has offered inner and physical healing service in various prayer meetings.



The cooperating priests will kindly offer healing mass when Fr. Pawel Janocinski  cannot offer. There will be additional cooperators.


               Sub-Cooperating priest 


Fr. Fio Mascarenhas (S.J.)

           He has offered healing masses several times kindly according to the intention of   the healing mass at the University chapel of the Sacred Heart in Japan.

     He has been in service for the sick around the world more than 80 countries, teaching the Bible courses.


The sub- cooperating priests kindly offer healing mass where he lives or where he goes on pilgrim according to the intention of the healing of the sick of this healing service at the University chapel of the Sacred Heart .
There will be additional sub-cooperators.

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               Closed type  of healing mass in the past


The closed type of healing masses with the intention of the healing were offered monthly (once in a month) by the turn of the priests at various chapels without attendants till May, 2023.


The priests in charge:

Fr.  Masatoshi Kodaira (O.F.M.) till he returned to the heaven. ,

Fr. Pawel Janocihski (O.P.),

Fr. Kinji Kawamura (Tokyo Archdiocese),

Fr. Hiromasa Akamatsu (S.J.) etc.


One of these priests offered closed mass in turn once in a month.   (The list mentioned above did not express the turn.)


The intention of the healing mass in closed type:

For the healing of those who have been included in the intention of the past healing masses of open type and those whose wish to attend open mass if there were open mass and pray for the grace of healing by Lord Jesus where they stay when they are convenient to pray in union with the closed type healing mass spiritually.


The closed mass is offered with the intention of the healing for those who wish to attend if open mass were offered once in a month by the priests in turn at the chapel etc. where each priest is convenient for closed mass then.

That is, no one could not attend closed mass then.

Could you pray for your intention for healing and the grace of the healing for your intention and for those whom are included in the intention of closed healing mass at your home or at the place where you are ?

The omnipotent God knows your intention, so you need not worry about if you already wrote the intention on the card before Feb.9, 2020 or not. Merciful Lord Jesus, our Healer, can heal you even if you cannot attend open mass.  (One need to repent the sin, and Catholic need to pray the spiritual Communion.)

The closed type healing masses which were offered already in the past:


March 2020:  Fr. Pawel Janocinski

April 12, 2020:   Fr. Kodaira

               The video message of the greeting for the Easter by Fr. Kodaira in Japanese can be seen at the  following URL:




   May 10, 2020: Fr. Kawamura, June 14, 2020: Fr. Kawamura

   July 12, 2020: Fr. Pawel, Oct. 18, 2020: Fr. Pawel

  Nov. 8, 2020: Fr. Kodaira, Dec. 13, 2020: Fr. Kodaira

      Late Fr. Kodaira released his message (in Japanese) in the last Advent in 2020 at the following URL.

One can hear his voice in this youtube.


January 10, 2021: Fr. Kawamura, February 14, 2021: Fr. Kawamura

March 14, 2021: Fr. Pawel, April 12, 2021: Fr. Pawel

May 9, 2021: Fr. Kodaira, June 13, 2021: Fr. Kodaira

July 15, 2021: Fr. Akamatsu, October 10, 2021: Fr. Kawamura

November 14, 2021: Fr. Kodaira, December, 2021: Fr. Pawel


Jan. 14, 2022: Fr. Kodaira, Feb. 13, 2022: Fr. Kodaira

March 10, 2022: Fr. Pawel, April 10, 2022: Fr. Pawel

May 10, 2022: Fr. Akamatsu, June 12, 2022: Fr. Kawamura

July 13, 2022: Fr. Kodaira, October, 2022: Fr. Pawel

November 13, 2022: Fr. Kodaira, December 19, 2022: Fr. Pawel

January in 2023: Fr. Kodaira, February 15, 2023: Fr. Kodaira

March 19, 2023: Fr. Kawamura, April ,2023: Fr. Kawamura

May ,2023: Fr. Kawamura


     The video message in the Advent in 2020 by late Fr. Kodaira can be seen at the following URL:






 Late Fr. Daniel McCoy (S.J.)

He was the founder of the healing mass at the University Chapel of the Sacred Heart and the first main celebrandt, passed away on September 24, 2006.

  The charnel place is at the section for Jesuits in the St. Ignatius Koujimachi Church. B1 F, Section S.


During the spreading of pandemic disease (such as COVID-19), one need to check the HP of St. Ignatius Church (or ask the receptionist) before you plan to go if one can enter there.


Late Fr. Bernardin Schneider (O.F.M.) 

He passed away on January 9, 2015.

The charnel place is at the section for the Franciscans in Fuchuu Catholic Cemetery of Tokyo Archdiocese.


During the spreading of pandemic disease, one need to check its HP beforehand if one can enter there.


Late Fr. Thomas Masatoshi Kodaira (O.F.M.)


  He passed away on May 19, 2023.

As the second main celebrant he offered healing masses in open type most regularly in the University Chapel of the Sacred Heart since October 2003 till February, 2020.

Then he offered heling masses in closed type when in charge since March in 2020 till February of 2023.

The list of the books he wrote and the translated books is written in this homepage in the below.



Late Fr. Thomas Aquinas Kinji Kawamura

 (Tokyo Archdiocese)


 He passed away on August 18, 2024.


     He often offered healing masses in open type together with Fr. Kodaira and Fr. Pawel and in closed type in the months in charge. He offered healing mass in reopened type when he is convenient together with Fr. Pawel Janocinski till November, 2023.  He offered healing masses at various places, too.

The charnel place is at the section for the priests of Tokyo Archdiocese in Fuchuu Catholic Cemetery of Tokyo Archdiocese.


May our Lord grant them the eternal beatitude in the heaven!

    Let us pray for them, and they will intercede for you.


    It is supposed that Fr. Daniel McCoy, Fr. Bernardin Schneider, Fr. Masatoshi Kodaira and Fr. Kinji Kawamura in the heaven have interceded for the healings of the sick people whom are included into the intentions of the healing mass.   





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  Japanese version for information of healing mass